Caitlin’s instagram account


This isn’t really important, but we thought we would just let you know. Many of you have asked us for Caitlin Beadles’s(JB’s ex-girlfriend) instagram account so we thought we would let you know so you can STOP ASKING.

Her instagram account name is: hellodollface33


If you do not have an ipod, and you can’t view her account you can click this link. –>

Before we say good-bye we just want to say THANK YOU to who ever is reading this post, and our many other posts.

” Cheers to the freakin’ weekend!”– Rihanna












3 responses »

  1. Pingback: Caitlin instagram?!? « truthishout

  2. wow . you probably just posted this bcuz i gave u her name on instagram.
    PS no me and truth arent the same people … truth was my sister commentin , and shee showed me soo i wanted to comment so ya.

just be HONEST!